Board of Commissioners
The Effingham Park District is governed by five elected residents of Effingham who give their services to the community.

EPD Board

Russ Sehy
Member since 2011
Term ends 2029

Mike Cunningham
Vice President
Member since 2019
Term ends 2025

Angie Kronewitter
Member since 2019
Term ends 2025

Kevin Palmer
Member since 2021
Term ends 2027
Matt Dasenbrock
Member since 2023
Term ends 2029
Jeff Althoff
Secretary and Director
Anita Broom
Q. Anthony Siemer
Carole McDevitt
Recording Secretary
EPD Board
Board Meetings
The EPD Regular Board Meetings will be held at 5:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of every month. The meeting site is the Administrative Office of the Park District at 1906 South Fourth Street Road. The public is invited to attend any meeting.
Those individuals or groups who desire to address the Board at a regular or special Park Board meeting are required to notify the Park Director prior to the start of the meeting. The Board in its discretion may at any time establish new or different procedures for public participation at regular or special meetings. Since most issues require board members to investigate matters or gather additional information before deciding how to proceed, the Board may choose not to immediately respond to comments. If you would like to have a subject or topic matter added to the agenda for discussion you are required to contact the Director’s office at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting time for it to be added to the agenda.
Agendas will be available prior to Board meetings. Minutes will be uploaded and available here at a later date once approved by the Effingham Park Board.